Our services

Investor, Project Manager, Architect, Government Official, Engineer. Regardless of your role in the project, we are looking to team up with you.

Our service offering include the structural design of new buildings, the seismic assessment of existing structures, the post-disaster engineering evaluation, the retrofitting and seismic performance upgrading of structures, among others.

For Owners and Investors

We can help you to understand what seismic hazard your structure is exposed to and how it will probably respond to the earthquake scenarios it will could be affected by during its lifetime. Understanding risk will allow you to make informed decisions.

How can we team up?

This is our service offering
For Architects and Projects Managers
For Structural
Seismic risk assessment of existing structures
Seismic retrofitting and performance upgrading

In some cases, actions need to be taken to guarantee the safety of the occupants and to protect your investment. We can assess and design the most favourable retrofitting solutions to reduce the seismic risk of your structure.

Structural analysis and design solutions

Each project requires a bespoke structural solution, particularly when exposed to extreme loading. We can provide our expertise to find the best structural solutions, materials and techniques for your projects. We can also integrate it to your BIM environment.

Accompaniment during the conception of your design

We believe that the best projects are those conceived within a multidisciplinary environment. We can provide support from the early stages of the project until the last stone is laid, and beyond.

Advanced nonlinear modelling and analysis

Traditional linear-elastic modelling and analysis can be enough for simple structures. Yet, many structural projects require a more accurate representation of their real-world behaviour. We can provide our experience in the nonlinear modelling and analysis of structures in commercial and scientific software packages.

Analysis of structures under extreme loading scenarios

Perhaps you are working on a one-off highly specialised project for your clients? We are experts in the design and assessment of structures when considering extreme loading conditions: earthquakes, blast, tsunami. We can team up with you.

Let us hear about your project.

Most projects need tailored solutions. We can help you to find them.